
$542,077 Donated to Help Kids in Need

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USS Nimitz Kids’ Holiday Party

On January 21, 2017, laughter and fun filled the Naval Base Kitsap gymnasium in Bremerton for the USS Nimitz Kids’ Holiday Party. Over 100 families were at the party which had been postponed due to the USS Nimitz being deployed during the holidays.

Caring Clowns International clowns Flossy, Jelly Bean, Selfie and Scooter were “on duty” to make their unique merriment at this special event. Over the course of the five hours that they were there, some of the parents shared what having our clowns at their parties throughout the years has meant to them.

One parent shared with Flossy that their pre-teen son seldom smiles and mopes around most of the time, but he was grinning, laughing and having a great time with the clowns. Scooter had a parent tell him that several years ago at a Christmas party in Everett he had helped to lift her spirits when she was going through a rough spot.

Santa himself said it was always a pleasure to see our clowns there and even inquired where Duffy was that day as he had not seen him. (Duffy was in Peru with another clown team.)

New clowns Jelly Bean and Selfie improvised making bean bag/kush ball tossing games where parents played right along with their children. Our duty driver even joined in the fun!

The USS Nimitz Morale Welfare and Recreation Director also told Scooter that the clowns truly make his job easier at these kinds of events and that the USS Nimitz crew and families look forward to the clowns being with them.


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Caring Clowns International is an all volunteer 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization